Bloom where you are planted

December turned out to be such an incredible month for both my business and I. I find that there’s a kind of magic in being in the moment and finding key opportunities where you wouldn’t expect. Learning the ins and outs of a business as a first time owner is something that feels and flows so naturally for me. I’m excited to see the growth it gives us as we go | After lots of preparation, we accomplished our very first in person pop up event filled with some really amazing people and artists. Feeling apart of something bigger than yourself is where you’ll find that purpose in life. The space that held our market is also a chiropractic center based on nervous system healing as well as energetic and physical healing. I had the privilege of experiencing a healing group, and after the session I was met with the most beautiful synchronicities, ones I hadn’t seen or experienced in a long time. It’s a feeling of coming back to yourself; of finding home again. Something that’s been there all along, patiently waiting for you to discover it, so you can bloom where you are planted.



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